What Does a House Church Gathering Look Like

(Three Thirds Format)
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1st Third


Check In

  • Share a meal or dessert
  • A testimony from last week
  • How has the week been?
  • If anyone is struggling, pray for him/her

Check Up

  • How have you obeyed what you learned?
  • Who have you trained in what you learned?
  • With whom have you shared your story or God's Story? 


 Sing together with instruments, acapella, or YouTube.  Share a verse, prophecy, or other gifts of the Spirit. (1 Cor. 14:26)

2nd Third

Look Up

Bible Study

Allow someone to bring a Scripture that is on their hearts.  Read that scripture out loud together, then answer these 4 questions.

  1. What do you like about this passage?
  2. What do you find challenging about this passage?
  3. What does it say about God?
  4. What does it say about people?


3rd Third

Look Out

Being Sent

After spending time in the word, we spend some time in prayer and ask God:

  1. How am I called to obey what we just read?
  2. Who are you calling me to train with this passage?
  3. Who are you calling me to share Your story and my story with?